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Healthy Paws vs. Trupanion: 2024 Comparison

Compare Healthy Paws and Trupanion

Both Healthy Paws and Trupanion score well based on our review standards. Each provider offers unlimited coverage and similar base plans. Neither offers an option for preventive coverage. Waiting periods and options for deductibles and reimbursement rates vary greatly between the two companies. Both have quick claims processing times; Trupanion even offers Vet Direct Pay, which allows you skip filing a claim and instead pays your vet directly at checkout. Trupanion also has 24/7 customer service, but Healthy Paws offers more coverage for alternative care and genetic conditions.

See a side-by-side comparison in the table below. Trupanion notes that waiting periods and policy details vary by state and customers should look up their state’s policy information for more information.

Star Rating
Best For Most Affordable Unlimited Coverage Our Pick for Unlimited Lifetime Payouts
BBB rating A A
Coverage limits Unlimited Unlimited
Deductibles $250-$500 $0-$1000
Reimbursement rates 70%-80% 90%
Accident waiting period 15 days 5 days
Illness waiting period 15 days 30 days
Customer service Email, Mon.-Sat. phone support Email, live chat, 24/7 phone support
Claim processing Processes most claims within 2 business days Reimburses vets directly
Preventative plan No No
Star Rating
Best For Most Affordable Unlimited Coverage Our Pick for Unlimited Lifetime Payouts
BBB rating A A
Coverage limits Unlimited Unlimited
Deductibles $250-$500 $0-$1000
Reimbursement rates 70%-80% 90%
Accident waiting period 15 days 5 days
Illness waiting period 15 days 30 days
Customer service Email, Mon.-Sat. phone support Email, live chat, 24/7 phone support
Claim processing Processes most claims within 2 business days Reimburses vets directly
Preventative plan No No

*BBB ratings are accurate as of January 2023.

Why Trust Us?

Here’s a breakdown of how we reviewed and rated the best pet insurance companies
Companies Reviewed Our team reviewed over 35 pet insurance companies, collecting and comparing data on monthly premiums, customizable coverage selections and more.
Quotes Collected We’ve collected more than 1,000 sample quotes from pet insurance companies for a variety of age ranges, species and breeds to give readers an accurate view of pricing and how competitors stack up in terms of rates. We update our pages regularly to reflect accurate cost information.
Rating Factors Our comprehensive rating system scores providers based on 42 data points in eight key rating factors: monthly pricing, plan options, covered treatments, coverage customizations, customer care, industry reputation, age limits and waiting periods.
Veterinary Professionals We’ve consulted several veterinary professionals to confirm the accuracy of our pet care information and pricing.

Healthy Paws vs. Trupanion Coverage

Healthy Paws pet insurance offers one accident-and-illness plan. This plan covers vet-recommended treatments, procedures, medications and hospital care for issues related to accidents and illnesses. It also covers alternative therapies, such as acupuncture, physical therapy and chiropractic care. 

There is a 15-day waiting period from the date of enrollment to file a claim for accidents and illnesses. For pets enrolled before the age of 6 years old, a 12-month waiting period applies for claims involving hip dysplasia. Healthy Paws has an app for easy claims processing, whereas Trupanion does not.

Trupanion also has one accident-and-illness plan with comparable coverage to Healthy Paws. However, Trupanion says it will also cover conditions that don’t yet have an official diagnosis but are showing symptoms. Both providers’ base plans cover similar treatments and conditions, such as surgeries, medications, hospital care, emergency vet visits, diagnostics and other issues related to accidents and illnesses. Covered conditions include cancer, hip dysplasia, hereditary conditions, congenital conditions and diabetes. These conditions are not covered if the animal showed symptoms during the provider’s waiting period.

Trupanion offers two riders (plan add-ons) for an additional cost. The Recovery and Complementary Care rider can be used for non-clinical procedures, such as acupuncture, behavior modification, chiropractic adjustments, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, naturopathy, physical therapy and rehabilitative therapy. The Pet Owner Assistance Package option helps cover fees related to advertising and reward money if your pet goes missing, boarding in the event you’re hospitalized, third-party property damage, cremation or burial if death is due to an accident, and vacation cancellation if you have to cancel a trip because of your pet’s illness or accident. 

Trupanion has a five-day waiting period for accidents and a 30-day waiting period for illnesses.

CoverageHealthy PawsTrupanion
Exam fees
Microchip implantation
Hip dysplasiaAfter 12 months (ends at 6 years old)After 30 days
Alternative therapyIn base planAs add-on
Dental treatmentOnly if related to accident or illnessOnly if related to accident or illness

Preventive Care Options

Neither Healthy Paws nor Trupanion offers preventive care or wellness coverage.

Healthy Paws vs. Trupanion Premiums

Most providers have a monthly premium based on your selected plan, your location, your pet’s age and breed, and the coverage levels you choose. Healthy Paws and Trupanion have comparable pricing. Trupanion can be more expensive depending on the breed, but the company offers a higher reimbursement rate and more control over your monthly cost. 

Both pet insurers offer unlimited coverage, but Trupanion reimburses 90% of your vet bill while Healthy Paws reimburses up to 80%. Healthy Paws lets you choose between an annual deductible of $250 or $500. Trupanion lets you pick a deductible between $0 and $1,000.

The table below shows monthly rates based on sample quotes for 4-year-old pets in Raleigh, N.C., with a $500 deductible. The quotes included the standard 80% reimbursement rate for Healthy Paws and a 90% reimbursement rate for Trupanion.

BreedHealthy PawsTrupanion
Labrador retriever$61$78
Golden retriever$61.11$74.05
Miniature poodle$41.35$46.71
Ragdoll cat$24.17$26.77

Healthy Paws vs. Trupanion Discounts

Some pet insurance providers offer discounts — usually between 5% and 15% off — for bundling, insuring multiple pets, military status or other qualifiers. Neither Healthy Paws nor Trupanion offers discounts, each stating that it prices its plans fairly and doesn’t use gimmicks. Trupanion specifically states that it offers pet parents the best value premiums from the start. 

Healthy Paws vs. Trupanion Customer Reviews

We looked at customer reviews for each provider on Trustpilot and the Better Business Bureau (BBB) site. Healthy Paws has an A rating on BBB while Trupanion has an A-. Both providers actively address customer complaints on review sites, with some customers saying that this follow-up attention resolved their issues. 

Healthy Paws customer reviews:

“Healthy Paws always comes through when we need them. They’ve helped cover emergency room visits, X-rays and treatments for my dogs. I can’t recommend them enough. My dog has been covered since 2017.” —Audrey T. via BBB

“Eligible claims have been paid quickly; however, disappointing customer service. I had a simple question about a claim, emailed the claims email address a few times and no response.” —Kristin R. via BBB

We asked Healthy Paws for comment regarding the reviews of its customer service. A Healthy Paws representative responded, acknowledging the delay in response time and said that the company is working on adding more customer care staff to ensure issues are resolved as quickly as possible.

Trupanion customer reviews:

“I have used Trupanion insurance now for almost 15 years. All I could say is I am 100% satisfied with this company. They have been most helpful, kind, knowledgeable and just great with their helping by explaining everything that I’m not familiar with. I highly recommend anybody who has a pet, especially a young pet, to immediately get on board with Trupanion.” —Jeanne via Trustpilot

“Every claim I have ever submitted has been claimed to be a preexisting condition. It is a huge battle to get anything paid for. As of yet nothing has been covered.” —Celeste via Trustpilot

We asked Trupanion for comment on negative reviews but didn’t receive a response.

Healthy Paws vs. Trupanion: Which is Better?

Trupanion is consistently more expensive than Healthy Paws, but it offers a higher reimbursement rate and more flexible deductibles. Trupanion also pays your vet bills directly at checkout — at participating veterinary hospitals — so you don’t have to file a claim and wait for reimbursement, and it offers two add-ons for extra coverage. While Trupanion doesn’t cover behavioral or alternative therapies in its base plan, you can add this for an additional fee. Trupanion also has an add-on to cover fees for lost pets and end-of-life care.

Though Healthy Paws doesn’t have Vet Direct Pay, it’s known for quick claims processing and has a high BBB rating. It’s also more affordable than Trupanion and offers behavioral and alternative therapies in its base plan. Both providers offer unlimited coverage, and neither covers preventive care. 

Overall, Trupanion and Healthy Paws have similar coverage and exclusions. If you want more coverage options and deductible flexibility, Trupanion is a good choice. If you’re looking for more affordable plans, consider Healthy Paws. 

Whichever pet health insurance provider you choose, we recommend getting multiple quotes and carefully examining plan details to ensure you get the coverage your pet needs.

Frequently Asked Questions About Pet Insurance

Trupanion and Healthy Paws differ in pricing, deductibles, waiting periods and the ability to pay vet bills directly at checkout. Healthy Paws also covers behavioral therapies and some alternative therapies in its base plan, whereas Trupanion does not. 

Many pet insurance providers raise rates based on location, pet breed and age, and market standards. Healthy Paws doesn’t claim it does or doesn’t raise rates, but some customer reviews include complaints of this happening, particularly with older pets. 

Trupanion’s pet insurance policy does not cover your pet’s prescription food. 

Trupanion provides unlimited coverage, flexible deductibles and a 90% reimbursement rate.

Methodology: Our System for Ranking the Best Pet Insurance Companies

We review each pet insurance company based on factors most important to pet parents like you. To inform our reviews, we surveyed 1,000 dog and cat owners nationwide to determine the most important elements of pet insurance coverage. Our process includes in-depth industry research about each provider, such as comparing coverage options, gathering quotes online to determine pricing and reading reviews to assess customer service. 

We then score each provider on a 100-point scale and divide the final score by 20 to calculate an overall rating out of 5.0 stars. Here are more details about the factors we consider when reviewing pet insurance providers:

  • Monthly pricing (25%): To assess pricing, we collect sample quotes for ten medium-mixed breed and purebred dogs and cats, ranging from 3 months old to 8 years old. Our team collected a total of 17,338 quotes directly from 22 provider’s websites, collecting at least two quotes for all 50 state from every provider for each pet profile. Providers earn the most points in this category for offering affordable coverage and a multi-pet discount. 
  • Plans (15%): The best pet insurance companies offer a range of plans to give customers the option to choose the coverage that is best for their pet. Companies offering accident and illness plans, accident-only plans, and wellness or preventive care add-ons earn full points in this category. We also look at coverage limits and award the most points for policies with unlimited coverage. 
  • Covered treatments (15%): According to our survey of pet owners, coverage is one of the most important factors when shopping for pet insurance. Companies with a breadth of included treatments and unique coverages receive more points in this category than providers with more standard or general policies.
  • Customization options (10%): Customizing your pet insurance policy can help lower your cost. Providers that offer more annual limit, deductible and reimbursement rate options earn the highest scores in this category.
  • Customer care (10%): Respondents to our survey also valued customer service when comparing pet insurance providers. We score each company based on its website accessibility and overall usability, customer service availability, mobile apps, money-back guarantees and veterinarian telehealth options, awarding points to insurers with more customer experience offerings.
  • Industry reputation (10%): We review up-to-date ratings and accreditation information from the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and score companies based on years of industry experience and state availability.
  • Waiting periods (10%): Companies with shorter accident, illness and orthopedic waiting periods between the time you sign up for coverage and your policy starts score higher in this category.
  • Eligible age (5%): Some companies do not offer policies for pets over a certain age. For this category, we deduct points from providers that have age limits for covered pets.

We use our rating system to compare each company we review and determine the best pet insurance companies in the industry. To learn more, read our full pet insurance methodology for reviewing and scoring providers. 

If you have questions about this page, please reach out to our editors at

Jessica Wimmer is a veteran writer and content producer with experience in the home, pet insurance and tech industries. She’s a Pushcart Prize nominee and Write Well Award winner who has been published in ​​Deep South magazine, The Dead Mule Journal of Southern Literature, and the Deep Water Literary Journal. She holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in English and had a previous life as an English teacher.

Rebekah Young
Rebekah Young Senior Editor

Rebekah Young is an editor with a decade of experience in educational content and editing. Before joining the Guides Home Team to focus on home services content, she guided content strategy and edited in the insurance, venture capital, financial and health care fields. Rebekah has a bachelor’s degree in communication and English.

Angela Beal, DVM Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Angela Beal, DVM, loves using her writing to help pet owners provide the best possible care for their furry companions. Angela has worked in private practice and taught veterinary technicians for 15 years. Since 2020, she has worked full-time with Rumpus Writing and Editing, a veterinary-specific writing and editing company. Angela lives in Columbus, Ohio with her husband, two sons, and their spoiled Chihuahua mix, Yogi.

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